METRO is committed to treating children in the most positive and caring environment. Our facilities are kid friendly and offer a variety of children’s physical therapy services for all your child's needs including a pool, sensory equipment, and a state of the art gym used to maximize therapeutic benefits.



Pediatric physical therapy deals with a wide variety of problems that may affect your child's development from infancy through the teen years. Our goal is to ensure that your child's physical capabilities for everyday activities are the best that they can be. 

Our experienced physical therapists understand that a child with a disability or accident related injury needs to be engaged during treatment, and that a positive attitude is essential for successful care.


Conditions we treat:

  • Torticollis

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Erb's Palsy

  • Down Syndrome

  • Gross Motor Delays

  • Muscular Dystrophy

  • Orthopedic Conditions

  • Spina Bifida

  • Deficits in Gait and Balance

  • Impairments in Strength & Range of Motion

  • Scoliosis


Pediatric occupational therapy focuses on a child's sensory systems as well as neuromuscular and cognitive functions. Physical therapy for kids is meant to assist a child in excelling with day to day activities in home and in school. Our experienced occupational therapists work closely with the child and his/her caregiver to create a customized treatment plan to address deficits in a variety of areas and enhance growth and development.

Conditions we treat:

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  • Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • Developmental Delays

  • Sensory Processing Disorders

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Down Syndrome

  • Muscular Dystrophy

  • Impairments in Fine Motor Coordination

  • Deficits with Grasping and Handwriting

  • Visual/Cognitive Delays


Torticollis, or “wry neck,” is a condition in which a child’s head is tilted in one direction. If left untreated, it may lead to:

  • Delayed cognitive development

  • Delayed whole body awareness

  • Weakness

  • Difficulties with balance

Our therapists (experienced in plagiocephaly and torticollis treatment) work closely with the child and his/her caregiver to prevent this from happening. We work on passive stretching, therapeutic exercises, positioning, and proper motor development.

No one knows why some babies get torticollis and others don’t. Most doctors believe it could be related to the cramping of a baby inside the uterus, or abnormal positioning (such as being in the breech position, where the baby’s buttocks face the birth canal). The use of forceps or vacuum devices to deliver a baby during childbirth also makes a baby more likely to develop torticollis.

The physical therapy treatment may include stretching and strengthening of the child's neck muscles. Physical therapy for toddlers will typically include active and passive stretching of the neck and shoulder muscles as well as positioning and handling techniques to correct the child's posture.